Care Leavers Forum

Your Care Leavers Forum (CLF) is a group of care-experienced young people aged 16-25 who represent those who are leaving care.  We know that this can be a difficult time and our aim is to make sure that care leavers have a voice as they move into independence.

The CLF have regular meetings locally. There is a Carlisle and Eden group, Allerdale and Copeland group and Barrow and South Lakeland group.

There are also full County meetings twice a year.

The groups have worked on Care Leaving Fayres, Apprenticeships, Mental Health and also plan for the future ahead.

The CLF want more young people to get involved in the work that we do. Together, young people have a real opportunity to influence the decisions that affect their lives.  Without committed and dedicated people we won't be able to make the changes that are needed to improve services for all children in care and care leavers in Cumbria.  If you want to get involved, or simply want to know more, why not contact us!

  • Liz Wright (Carlisle and Eden) 07825 340 475

  • Rebecca Barnes (Allerdale and Copeland) 07770 938 021

  • Joanne Gawne (Barrow and South Lakeland) 07967 469 996

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