Child Exploitation (CE)

Child exploitation of children and young people has been identified across the United Kingdom, in both rural and urban areas. It affects boys and young men as well as girls and young women. It robs children of their childhood and can have a serious long-term impact on every aspect of their lives, health and education. It damages the lives of families and carers and can lead to family break-ups. Child exploitation of children and young people is a crime.

In addition to the core business and functions of the CSCP, we have decided, as a Board, to focus on some areas that require further or emerging focus and we have called these Particular Interests. It is the intent of the CSCP to improve the lives of children in Cumbria by ensuring that all those who work with young people are aware of what child exploitation is, will intervene as early as possible, will respond to the needs of victims to repair the damage and will work together to prevent children becoming victims in the first place.

The Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Review (CERAR) Process 

Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Review (CERAR) is Cumbria's multi-agency approach to child exploitation assessment and review process, to find more about the process you can access the CERAR process on a page here.

Multi-Agency Partner Information Submission Form 

This form allows professionals to share ‘soft intelligence’ and non urgent information that relates to the exploitation of children for the purpose of identifying and managing risk. This will allow us to develop a more accurate intelligence profile for the County.

Do not use this form to report a crime or a safeguarding concern. Please report all emergency crime by calling 999 or non-emergencies by calling 101. Please refer safeguarding concerns to the safeguarding hub using the single contact form.

Please complete Multi-Agency Partner Information Submission Form and submit via email to the email address provided on the form. 

Appropriate Language in Relation to Child Exploitation

Child Exploitation Appropriate Use of Language Guidance 2022 - guidance for professionals, seeks to provide guidance to professionals on the appropriate use of language when discussion children and their experience of exploitation in a range of contexts. 

Language Matters - use of language in child sexual abuse and exploitation practice (2022 Review) - this guide is for anyone working in the field of child sexual abuse and exploitation. Those working with children and families or those working in influencing, fundraising or communications. This document was reviewed in 2022 by the CSA CPP in recognition of the pace of change in the field

Child Exploitation Disruption Toolkit

This toolkit has been developed to support frontline practitioners to safeguard children and young people under the age of 18 from sexual and criminal exploitation.  Additionally, the toolkit sets out supportive information to assist information sharing and multi-agency working as well as intelligence and evidence gathering and profiling.  It is vital that people working in frontline roles effectively identify exploitation of children and work together proactively with other agencies to disrupt offending, and safeguard victims.  Click here to view the publication.


Complex Safeguarding Team




Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines

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