Our Promise

We have re-designed Our Promise so that it is the best it can be, and so that everyone knows what we want and need. Our Promise is about what we, us children, expect from our social workers and carers while living in care. We want you to use this when you talk to us, visit us and make plans for us. We hope Our promise encourages and helps workers to listen to us better and accurately record our views. To think about the words they use and the impact they have (Promise Ambassadors June 2022).

What is Our Promise?

Our Promise is a Pledge to Children and Young People living in Cumbria in foster care; with foster carers/ in children’s home/ at residential schools or with friends and family. It is a list of promises to children and young people by Cumbria County Council. 

Our Promise 

Our Promise film - YouTube video

This is the promise you are making to us.

  • We are beautiful and wonderful as we are, we are not here to be moulded into your version of us. Our Promise recognises this and see us as unique individuals. 
  • We grow physically and mentally when we feel safe and loved. It gives us the power to tell you who we are. Remember Our Promise gives us a safe space, trust and time to do this.
  • Our Promise celebrates our differences, provide us with praise in words and actions, to help us build our mind body and soul. Our voices are the most important please don’t let us lose ours.
  • Our Promise never ever gives up on us.

Further information and advice

If you feel that your voice is getting lost you might like to talk to NYAS (National Youth Advocacy Service) that would be a great place to start. You can contact them at 0808 808 1001 or help@nyas.net

If you would like to know about the Children in Care Council, please drop us an email at cicc@cumbria.gov.uk 

Our Promise Posters


The e-Learning is an opportunity to learn more about the history and background to 'Our Promise', from where it started to where it is today, after completing the e-Learning there is the option to book onto a young person developed and lead workshop to see how young people want 'Our Promise' to work in practice. https://cumbria.gov.uk/ourpromise/content

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