eLearning Courses


A suite of eLearning courses - Welcome to Cumbria Safeguarding eLearningthis external link will open in a new window

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All professionals working with children, or who are in contact with children, have a role and duty in safeguarding children from harm.

This course deals with the context of child protection and how it is everybody's responsibility to keep children safe. The different signs and types of abuse are described, as are the ways to keep children you work with safe. 

It outlines the importance of child protection and how everyone can keep children safe from abuse. We help learners recognise the signs and types of abuse, including some less common types of abuse such as trafficking, forced marriage, and female genital mutilation.

A multiple choice knowledge check is included.

Outcomes:On completion, you will have learnt how to recognise when a child may be suffering from abuse and what you can do to keep children safe.

To view guidelines on how to successfully complete this course click here.

This course aims to give an overview of what child sexual exploitation (CSE) really is. We look at how to identify some of the signs that CSE might be occurring, as well as the process of grooming.  Guidance is also provided on the use of the Framework when assessing for CSE, and best practice for practitioners working with children and young people.

Outcomes: On completion you should know what child sexual exploitation (CSE) is and how to identify it, as well as understanding what action practitioners and agencies should take for victims.

Domestic abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.

This module explores the signs and indicators of abuse and how it affects children. We also cover how to address instances of domestic abuse and get support.

This course looks at the function of an Early Help Assessment. Early Help is a dynamic process and it incorporates all the professionals involved in the child's welfare. 

Free online training for 2023 - click here for full details and how to access

  • Suicide Alertness
  • Suicide Awareness
  • Suicide First Aid
  • Understanding Suicide Bereavement
  • Self Harm Alertness
  • Safety Panning
  • Supporting Children's Mental Health
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • ASK - Assessing Suicide in Kids

Female genital mutilation (FGM) has many names. It is often called female circumcision or ‘cutting’. Whatever name it goes under, the practice refers to procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

We look at the scope and secrecy surrounding the global and national extent of FGM and the legal structures in place to protect girls and young women from FGM in the UK. Guidance is also provided for all professionals on the action to take if FGM is suspected or discovered.

This awareness-raising course is aimed at all social care practitioners, social workers, youth and young people’s service practitioners and anyone who works with children and young people. 

Forced marriage is a form of honour based violence. It occurs when a marriage takes place without the free consent of the people getting married.

This course will look at what honour means in the context of honour based violence and its underlying motives. Guidance will be provided for those working with children, young people and adults at risk on their roles and responsibilities as well as recognising the legislation connected with honour based violence and forced marriage.

This course may take up to 60 minutes to complete.

This course is designed to raise your awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking and to help you recognise your role in identifying and reporting concerns.

It includes sections on the laws and regulations associated with modern slavery, some of the indications to watch out for and advice and guidance for dealing with both child and adult victims.

Neglect is not always easy to identify by professionals. This course aims to help professionals identify the signs, indicators, symptoms and risk factors associated with it.

Through a series of case studies you will see how the Common Assessment Framework provides practitioners with a working model for assessing neglect and parental capacity. You will also receive guidance on the functions, considerations and decisions around assessing risk for a child suffering neglect. A multiple choice knowledge check is included.

This course outlines the context for how Safer Recruitment contributes to Safeguarding.

Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. It's usually a way of coping with or expressing overwhelming emotional distress.

Sometimes when people self-harm, they feel on some level that they intend to die. More than half of people who die by suicide have a history of self-harm.

But the intention is more often to punish themselves, express their distress, or relieve unbearable tension. Sometimes it's a mixture of all three.

Self-harm can also be a cry for help.

Self-harm is an extremely complex issue, both for those who self-harm and the professionals who support them. This course will raise your awareness of self-harm, help you to develop an understanding of the issues faced by self-harmers, and what you can do to help them.

This course asks what we know about social media and why we worry about it. The course covers the different types of risk that exist online and explores how we can keep young people safe.

Duration: 30 minutes

In the UK, someone takes their own life every 86 minutes. We’ve put together this e-learning module with the aim of helping people to recognise when a friend, family member or colleague is suffering from mental ill health.

We demonstrate how to approach someone who is emotionally distressed and may be considering suicide, and teach the learner how to provide real support in such situations.

Link - Prevent eLearning Packagethis external link will open in a new window (for a more detailed introduction) 

ACT awareness eLearning is a new Counter Terrorism (CT) awareness product designed for all UK based companies and organisations and available to the public. Devised by CT officers and security experts, the ACT Awareness eLearning package was previously only available to staff working in crowded places like shopping centres and entertainment venues.https://www.gov.uk/government/news/act-awareness-elearning this external link will open in a new window

Now Counter Terrorism Policing has decided to open up the training to anyone who wants to become a CT Citizen so they can learn how to spot the signs of suspicious behaviour and understand what to do in the event of a major incident.

ACT Awareness eLearning will provide nationally recognised corporate CT guidance to help people better understand, and mitigate against, current terrorist methodology.

The following eLearning Modules are available:

  1. Introduction to Terrorism
  2. Identifying Security Vulnerabilities
  3. How to Identify and Respond to Suspicious Behaviour
  4. How to Identify and Deal with a Suspicious Item
  5. What to do in the Event of a Bomb Threat
  6. How to Respond to a Firearms or Weapons attack
  7. Summary and Supporting Materials

Understanding Young Minds – free online course for Parents - Virtual College have worked in partnership with SelfharmUK to create a free online course designed to help parents talk about the issue of self-harm with their children. 

Thousands of children and young people in the UK are thought to be impacted by self-harm each year.

Spotting the signs can be difficult, and approaching the subject with your children can be an uncomfortable experience.

60% of parents feel uncomfortable discussing self-harm with their children.

This course will help you to:

·       Know what self-harm is and why young people may do it

·       Know what makes young people vulnerable to self-harming behaviour

·       Understand in what ways you can support a young person who is self-harming 

FREE 'Understanding Trauma' online course for professionals across Cumbriathis external link will open in a new window This course covers Type 1 and Type 2 trauma, the window of tolerance, going through a traumatic experience, neurology and trauma. Recognising trauma, recovery from trauma, and more...

Details on how to apply an access code for a course for professionalsthis external link will open in a new window

FREE 'Understanding Attachment' online course for professionals across Cumbriathis external link will open in a new window - This course is for practitioners who want to understand more about attachment, and shows how containment and reciprocity underpin the quality of an attachment.

Details on how to apply an access code for a course for professionalsthis external link will open in a new window

FREE 'Understanding Brain Development' online course for professionals across Cumbriathis external link will open in a new window  This course is for practitioners who want an introduction to brain development from the antenatal period to adolescence.

Details on how to apply an access code for a course for professionalsthis external link will open in a new window

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